統計諮詢學術演講 主講人:張俊偉醫師 (林口長庚醫院神經內科主治醫師)


題 目:Clinical Predictors of Seizure Outcome after Withdrawal of Anti-Seizure Drugs


時 間:112年10月6日(星期五)上午9:30-10:30

地 點:綜合一館427室
摘  要
Epilepsy affects millions worldwide, often requiring long-term anti-seizure drug (ASD) treatment. Deciding when to stop ASD therapy is crucial but challenging. This prospective study aims to identify clinical predictors of seizure outcomes after ASD withdrawal. It focuses on factors associated with favorable outcomes and aims to create a predictive model to guide withdrawal decisions. Adults with epilepsy, stable on ASD therapy for at least two seizure-free years, will be enrolled. Baseline data, including clinical assessments, neuroimaging, and EEG, will be collected before ASD withdrawal. Patients will be closely monitored during withdrawal, recording any seizures in diaries. This study will contribute to our understanding of clinical predictors of seizure outcome after withdrawal of anti-seizure drugs in patients with epilepsy. The findings may help optimize the management of epilepsy, reduce the burden of unnecessary medication, and improve patients' overall quality of life. Ultimately, this research has the potential to guide personalized treatment decisions and enhance the long-term care of individuals with epilepsy.