專題演講 主講人:陳泰賓教授(義守大學醫學影像暨放射科學系)
題 目:The Algorithm for HRRT PET Reconstruction: PDSEM
時 間:111年10月14日(星期五)上午10:40-11:30
地 點:綜合一館427室
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The reconstructed positron emission tomography (PET) is one of the applications in the field of inverse problem in this talk. A state-of-the-art high resolution research tomography (HRRT) provides high resolution PET images with full 3D human brain scanning. But, a short time frame in dynamic study causes many problems related to the low counts in the acquired data. The PDS-OSEM algorithm was proposed to reconstruct the HRRT image with a high signal-to-noise ratio that provides accurate information for dynamic data. The new algorithm was evaluated by simulated image, empirical phantoms, and real human brain data. Meanwhile, the time activity curve was adopted to validate a reconstructed performance of dynamic data between PDS-OSEM and OP-OSEM algorithms. According to simulated and empirical studies, the PDS-OSEM algorithm reconstructs images with higher quality, higher accuracy, less noise, and less average sum of square error than those of OP-OSEM. The presented algorithm is useful to provide quality images under the condition of low count rates in dynamic studies with a short scan time.