Journal Paper

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Year Paper Title
2012 Chen, T.-B, Chen, J.-C., and Lu, H. H.-S., Segmentation of 3D microPET Images of the Rat Brain via the Hybrid Gaussian Mixture Method with Kernel Density Estimation, Journal of X-ray Science and Technology, 2012, 20, 339-349. (SCI), 2012
2012 Suen, S., Lu, H. H.-S., and Yeang, C. H., Evolution of domain architectures and catalytic functions of enzymes in metabolic systems, Genome Biology and Evolution, 2012. (SCI) [Epub ahead of print], 2012
2012 Chueh, T.-H., and Lu, H. H.-S., Inference of Biological Pathway from Gene Expression Profiles by Time Delay Boolean Networks, PLOS ONE 7(8): e42095, 2012. (SCI), 2012
2012 Chiang, S, Swamy, K. B., Hsu, T. W., Tsai, Z. T., Lu, H. H.-S., Wang, D., Tsai, H. K., Analysis of the association between transcription factor binding site variants and distinct accompanying regulatory motifs in yeast, Gene. 2012 Jan 10;491(2):237-45. Epub 2011 Sep 16. (SCI), 2012
2012 Deng, L.-Y. , Shiau, J.-J. H., and Lu, H. H.-S., Efficient computer search of large-order multiple recursive, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236, 3228–3237, (SCI), 2012
2012 Lai, Y.-H., Yen, Y.-F. and Chen, L.-A., Validation of Tolerance Interval., JSPI, 142, 902-907., 2012
2012 Deng, L.-Y., Shiau*, J.-J. H., and Lu, H. H.-S., Efficient Computer Search for Large-Order Multiple Recursive Generators, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 236, No. 13, 3228-3237. NSC97-2118-M-009-002-MY2. (SCI), 2012
2012 Deng, L.-Y., Shiau, J.-J. H., and Lu*, H. H.-S., Large-order multiple recursive generators with modulus 2^31-1., INFORMS Journal on Computing, 24(4), 636-647. (SCI). NSC97-2118-M-009-002-MY2. (Accepted) (SCI), 2012
2012 Yen, C.-L., Shiau*, J.-J. H., and Yeh, Arthur B., Effective Control Charts for Monitoring Multivariate Process Dispersion., Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 28(4), 409-426. (SCIE). NSC95-2118-M-009-006-MY2 and NSC97-2118-M-009-002-MY2. (Accepted) (SCI, EI), 2012
2012 Emura, T. and Wang*, W., Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation for dependent truncation data ased on copulas., Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 110, 171-188. (SCI)., 2012