Weijing Wang
Job title Professor
Name Weijing Wang
Office Tel No. 886-3-5712121 ext 56815
Address Institute of Statistics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, 1001 University Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30010, ROC
Personal Website https://wjwang.stat.nycu.edu.tw/
Teaching Field Survival Analysis Biology and Statistics
Research expertise Survival Analysis Biology and Statistics
Year Paper Title
2019 Su, C.-L.,Johanna, G. N.,Wang W., Modelling hierarchical clustered censored data with the hierarchical Kendall copula, The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 47, 182–203, Feb. 2019
2016 Emura, T., and Wang, W., Semiparametric inference for an accelerated failure time model with dependent truncation, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics: AISM (Tokyo) , 68, 1073–1094, Oct. 2016
2015 Ding, A. A., Hsieh, J.-J., Wang W., Local linear estimation of concordance probability with application to covariate effects models on association for bivariate failure-time data., Lifetime Data Analysis, 21, 42–74, Jan. 2015
2014 A. A. Ding, J. Hsieh and W. Wang, Association Parameters Regression for Bivariate Failure-Time Data., Advances in Applied and Pure Mathematics, Proceedings of the 2st International Conference on Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences, J. Balicki (Eds.) pp 41-46., 2014
2013 Hsieh, J.-J.,Ding, A. A.,Wang W.,Chi, Y.-L., Quantile Regression Based on Semi-Competing Risks Data, Open Journal of Statistics, 3, 12-26, Feb. 2013
2012 Emura, T. and Wang*, W., Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation for dependent truncation data ased on copulas., Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 110, 171-188. (SCI)., 2012
2011 Wang, W., and Emura, T., Comments on: Inference in multivariate Archimedean copula models, Test, 20, 263-270., Sep. 2011
2011 Hsieh,H., Ding, A. and Wang, W., Regression analysis for recurrent events data under dependent censoring, Biometrics, 67, 719-729., 2011
2011 Emura, T., Wang, W. and Hung, H., Semi-parametric Inference for Copula Models for Dependently Truncated Data, Statistica Sinica, 21, 349-367(available online), 2011
2010 Emura, T., Lin, C.-W. and Wang*, W., A goodness-of-fit Test for Archimedean Copula Models in the Presence of Right Censoring, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 54, 3033-3043., 2010
2010 Emura, T., and Wang, W., Testing Quasi-independence for Truncation Data, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101, 223-293, 2010
2009 Ding*, A. A., Wang, W., Hsieh, J.-J., Marginal Regression Analysis for Semi-Competing Risks Data under Dependent Censoring, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 36, 481-500, 2009
2009 Chang, W.-H. and Wang, W., Regression analysis for cumulative incidence probability under competing risks., Statistica Sinica 19, 391-408., 2009
2008 Hsieh, J.-J., Wang, W. and Ding, A. A., Regression Analysis based on semi-competing risks data, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 70, 3-20, 2008
2007 Ding, A. A. and Wang, W., Inference for Bivariate Survival Data by Copula Models Adjusted for the Boundary Effect, Communication in Statistics, 36. 2927-2936, 2007
2004 Ding, A. A. and Wang, W., Testing Independence for Bivariate Current Status Data, Journal of American Statistical Association. 99, 145-155, 2004
2003 Wang, W., Estimating the Association Parameter for Copula Models under Dependent Censoring, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 65, 257-273, 2003
2003 Wang, W., Nonparametric Estimation of the Sojourn Time Distributions for a Multi-Path Model, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 65, 921-936, 2003
2002 Wang, W. & Wells, M. T., Power Analysis for Linear Models with Spherical Errors, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 108, 155-171, 2002
2000 Wang, W. & Wells, M. T., Model Selection and Semi-parametric Inference for Bivariate Censored Data, Journal of American Statistical Association, 95, 62-72; (Rejoinder: 75-76), 2000
2000 Wang, W. & Wells, M. T., Nonparametric Estimation of Kandells Tau under Censoring, Statistica Sinica, 10, 1199-1215, 2000
2000 Wang, W. & Ding, A. A., On Assessing the Association for Bivariate Current Status Data, Biometrika, 87, 879-893, 2000
1998 Wang, W. & Wells, M. T., Nonparametric Estimation of Successive Duration Times under Dependent Censoring, Biometrika, 85, 561-572, 1998
1997 Wang, W. & Wells, M. T., Nonparametric Estimators of the Bivariate Survival Function under Simplified Censoring Conditions, Biometrika, 84, 863-880, 1997
  1. Hsieh, J.-J., Wang, W. and Ding, A. A., "Regression Analysis on Association for Bivariate Failure-Time Data" ,
  2. Emura, T., Lin, C.-W. and Wang, W., "Model diagnostics and data generation for Archimedean copula models" , (under revision).,
  3. Chen, C.-H., Chang, W.-H. and Wang, W., "Estimation of the cumulative incidence function for multiple events data" ,
  4. "Book Review for Statistics in Medicine. Review of the book, "Analysis of Failure and Survival Data" , by P. J. Smith. Published by Chapman & Hall., 2002
Year Month Writing Title Other Reference URL
2002 Book Review for Statistics in Medicine. Review of the book, "Analysis of Failure and Survival Data by P. J. Smith. Published by Chapman & Hall.
Estimation of the cumulative incidence function for multiple events data Chen, C.-H., Chang, W.-H. and Wang, W.
Model diagnostics and data generation for Archimedean copula models Emura, T., Lin, C.-W. and Wang, W.(under revision).
Regression Analysis on Association for Bivariate Failure-Time Data Hsieh, J.-J., Wang, W. and Ding, A. A.
Year Project Title Participator Job Title Period Unit
2024 Prognostic Evaluation for Survival Models with Long-Term Survivors: Innovative C-Statistics Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2024.08 ~ 2025.07 National Science and Technology Council
2023 Statistical Analysis for COVID-19 Research Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2023.08 ~ 2024.10 National Science and Technology Council
2022 Evaluation of comorbidity on survival adjusted for age confounding effect Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2022.08 ~ 2023.07 National Science and Technology Council
2020 Copula Regression Analysis for Survival Data Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2020.08 ~ 2022.07 Ministry of Science and Technology
2017 Association Study for Recurrence Events Data under Competing Risks Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2017.08 ~ 2020.07 Ministry of Science and Technology
2015 Analysis of Recurrence Gap Times for Hierachical Clustered Data Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2015.08 ~ 2017.10 Ministry of Science and Technology
2013 Analysis of Recurrence Events Data with Multiple Types Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2013.08 ~ 2015.07 National Science Council
2011 Regression analysis for multivariate survival data in presence of cure Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2011.08 ~ 2013.10 National Science Council
2009 Regression analysis for semi-competing risks data subject to left truncation Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2009.08 ~ 2011.07 National Science Council
2006 Semiparametric Inference under Dependent Truncation Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2006.08 ~ 2009.07 National Science Council
2005 Regression Analysis for Cure Rate under a Random Cure Time Model(III) Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2005.08 ~ 2006.07 National Science Council
2004 Regression Analysis for Cure Rate under a Random Cure Time Model(II) Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2004.08 ~ 2005.07 National Science Council
2003 Regression Analysis for Cure Rate under a Random Cure Time Model(I) Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2003.08 ~ 2004.07 National Science Council
2002 Model Selection for Copula Family under Semi-Competing Risks Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2002.08 ~ 2003.07 National Science Council
2001 Some Semiparametric Inference Problems for Transformation Models Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2001.08 ~ 2002.07 National Science Council
2000 Nonparametric Test of Independence for Bivariate Current Status Data Weijing Wang Principal Investigator 2000.08 ~ 2001.07 National Science Council
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
U.S.A. Cornell University Statistics Ph. D. 1993.06 ~ 1995.06
U.S.A. Cornell University Statistics M. S. 1991.08 ~ 1993.06
U.S.A. University of Maryland at College Park Finance MBA 1989.08 ~ 1991.06
R.O.C. National Taiwan University Business Administration B. S. 1984.09 ~ 1988.06
Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
National Chiao-Tung University Institute of Statistics Professor 2003.01 ~ Up to today
National Chiao-Tung University Institute of Statistics Associate Professor 1999.01 ~ 2003.01
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Institute of Epidemiology Adjunct Assistant Professor 1998.01 ~ 1999.01
National Chiao Tung University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan. Institute of Statistics Adjunct Assistant Professor 1997.01 ~ 1998.01
Academia Sinica , Taiwan. Institute of Statistical Science Senior Research Associate 1996.01 ~ 1999.01
North Carolina State University, Raleight, NC, U.S.A. Department of Statistics Assistant Professor 1995.01 ~ 1996.01
Cornell University Research Assistant 1993.01 ~ 1995.01
Cornell University. Teaching Assistant 1991.01 ~ 1993.01
University of Maryland at College Park. Teaching Assistant 1989.01 ~ 1991.01
Chung-Hwa Institution for Economic Research Full-Time Research Assistant 1988.01 ~ 1989.01