年度 2023
全部作者 Sheng-Hsuan Lin(林聖軒) et al,Yanyan Ni, Francis P. Flores, Phyllis Lun, Ke Ning, Mathew S.C. Chow, Linwei Tian
論文名稱 Understanding paediatric COVID-19 vaccination during the pandemic: a prospective cohort and a population-based registry study (IF:7.1; Category: Health Care Sciences & Services;Rank:7/106 (Q1))
期刊名稱 Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific
卷數 Volume43:100976
期刊等級 SCI
發表日期 2023-11-23
語言 中文
參考連結 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanwpc.2023.100976