年度 2022
全部作者 Sheng-Hsuan Lin (林聖軒),Shih-Chen Fu (傅詩宸), Chung-Han Lee (李宗翰), Yi-Chen Hsieh (謝宜真), Pei-Hua Wu (吳佩樺), Hsiuying Wang (王秀瑛)
作者類別 Corresponding Author
論文名稱 A Pilot Study Exploring the Association of Entacapone, Gut Microbiota, and the Subsequent Side Effects in Patients With Parkinson's Disease (IF: 5.293; Category: Microbiology.; Rank: 33/136 (Q1))
期刊名稱 Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology (本人為共同通訊作者)
發表日期 2022-04-05
語言 英文
參考連結 https://doi.org/10.3389/fcimb.2022.837019