年度 2021
全部作者 盧鴻興,Sun, Y.-C., Hsieh, A.-T., Fang, S.-T., Wu, H.-M., Kao, L.-W., Chung, W.-Y., Chen, H.-H, Liou, K.-D., Lin, Y.-S., Guo, W.-Y., Lu, H. H.-S.
論文名稱 Can 3D artificial intelligence models outshine 2D ones in the detection of intracranial metastatic tumors on magnetic resonance images?
期刊名稱 Chinese Medical Association, 84, 10, 956-962.
語言 英文
參考連結 https://journals.lww.com/jcma/fulltext/2021/10000/can_3d_artificial_intelligence_models_outshine_2d.10.aspx