專題演講 主講人:鄧利源教授 (University of Memphis, USA)

  • 事件日期: 2024-03-22
  • 演講者:  /  主持人:
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題 目:Efficient spectral tests for multiple recursive generators

主講人:鄧利源教授 (University of Memphis, USA)

時 間:113年3月22日(星期五)上午10:40-11:30

地 點:綜合一館427室


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Large-order maximum-period Multiple Recursive Generators (MRGs) have become popular in the area of computer simulation. They have the nice properties of high-dimensional equi-distribution, generating efficiency, long period, and portability. The spectral test is a commonly used criterion in ranking pseudo-random number generators. Procedures for computing spectral test values of MRGs are available in the literature but may not be efficient when the order of the MRG is large. In this talk, we propose a novel method for the spectral test computation of MRGs, which is simple, intuitive, and particularly efficient for MRGs with few nonzero terms. With the proposed method, we are able to provide a list of ready-to-use ``better'' generators with respect to the spectral test performance among the DX generators of order k for various values of k.