
Course Name
1111 Consulting in Statistics [obligatory] Hsiuying Wang T567-A407[GF]
1111 Regression Analysis [English Medium Course] Chu-Lan Kao W567-A406[GF]
1111 Mathematical Statistics [obligatory] Chih-Rung Chen T34R56-A406[GF]
1111 Seminar [English Medium Course]   [obligatory] Sheng-Hsuan LinNanfu Peng F34n-A427[GF]
1111 Generalized Linear Models Shao-Wei Cheng M789-GEN III綜三 834(NTHU)
1102 High-Dimensional Data Analysis CHING-KANG YIN M678-GEN III綜三 840(NTHU)
1102 Nonparametric Curve Estimation HUANG, LI-SHAN  M34T3-GEN III綜三 840(NTHU)
1102 Introduction to Statistical Designs and Analyses in Clinical Trials Ken-Ning Hsu T234-A406[GF]
1102 Introduction to the Method for Biomedical Research Sheng-Hsuan Lin F567-A406[GF]
1102 Probability Theory Chih-Rung Chen W567-A407[GF]
1102 Stochastic Processes Hui-Nien Hung W234-A406[GF]
1102 Advanced causal inference Sheng-Hsuan Lin R234-A406[GF]
1102 Statistical Learning Henry Horng-Shing Lu R567-A406[GF]
1102 Biological and Medical Data Analysis Hsiuying Wang T567-A406[GF]
1102 Time Series Chu-Lan Kao M567-A406[GF]
Total number of enteries found : 312